man - определение. Что такое man
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Что (кто) такое man - определение

MAN; Man (album); Man (song)
Найдено результатов: 5889
  • classical]] image of youthful male beauty in [[Western art]].
  • A man wearing a [[business suit]] stands next to a display of men's [[blue jeans]] at a clothing factory.
  • Father and son
  • A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen, showing the [[human male reproductive system]] anatomy
  • Two men playing a board game
  • XY combination]].
Manhood; Manhoods; Men; Human male; Male human; 🚹; 👨; Human man; 👨🏻; 👨🏼; 👨🏽; 👨🏾; 👨🏿
  • classical]] image of youthful male beauty in [[Western art]].
  • A man wearing a [[business suit]] stands next to a display of men's [[blue jeans]] at a clothing factory.
  • Father and son
  • A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen, showing the [[human male reproductive system]] anatomy
  • Two men playing a board game
  • XY combination]].
Manhood; Manhoods; Men; Human male; Male human; 🚹; 👨; Human man; 👨🏻; 👨🏼; 👨🏽; 👨🏾; 👨🏿
·vt To tame, as a hawk.
II. Man ·noun The human race; mankind.
III. Man ·vt To furnish with a servants.
IV. Man ·vt To wait on as a manservant.
V. Man ·noun A human being;
- opposed tobeast.
VI. Man ·noun The male portion of the human race.
VII. Man ·noun A married man; a husband;
- correlative to wife.
VIII. Man ·noun An adult male servant; also, a vassal; a subject.
IX. Man ·noun One of the piece with which certain games, as chess or draughts, are played.
X. Man ·vt To furnish with strength for action; to prepare for efficiency; to Fortify.
XI. Man ·noun Especially: An adult male person; a grown-up male person, as distinguished from a woman or a child.
XII. Man ·noun One possessing in a high degree the distinctive qualities of manhood; one having manly excellence of any kind.
XIII. Man ·noun One, or any one, indefinitely;
- a modified survival of the Saxon use of man, or mon, as an indefinite pronoun.
XIV. Man ·noun A term of familiar address often implying on the part of the speaker some degree of authority, impatience, or haste; as, Come, man, we 've no time to lose!.
XV. Man ·vt To supply with men; to furnish with a sufficient force or complement of men, as for management, service, defense, or the like; to Guard; as, to man a ship, boat, or fort.
  • classical]] image of youthful male beauty in [[Western art]].
  • A man wearing a [[business suit]] stands next to a display of men's [[blue jeans]] at a clothing factory.
  • Father and son
  • A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen, showing the [[human male reproductive system]] anatomy
  • Two men playing a board game
  • XY combination]].
Manhood; Manhoods; Men; Human male; Male human; 🚹; 👨; Human man; 👨🏻; 👨🏼; 👨🏽; 👨🏾; 👨🏿
(men, mans, manning, manned)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
A man is an adult male human being.
He had not expected the young man to reappear before evening...
I have always regarded him as a man of integrity.
...the thousands of men, women and children who are facing starvation.
Man and men are sometimes used to refer to all human beings, including both males and females. Some people dislike this use.
The chick initially has no fear of man...
If you say that a man is, for example, a gambling man or an outdoors man, you mean that he likes gambling or outdoor activities.
Are you a gambling man, Mr Graham?...
N-COUNT: supp N
If you say that a man is, for example, a London man or an Oxford man, you mean that he comes from London or Oxford, or went to university there. the Stockport man collected his winnings...
N-COUNT: n-proper N
If you refer to a particular company's or organization's man, you mean a man who works for or represents that company or organization. (JOURNALISM)
...the Daily Telegraph's man in Abu Dhabi.
N-COUNT: poss N
Some people refer to a woman's husband, lover, or boyfriend as her man. (INFORMAL)
...if they see your man cuddle you in the kitchen or living room.
N-SING: poss N
In very informal social situations, man is sometimes used as a greeting or form of address to a man.
Hey wow, man! Where d'you get those boots?
N-VOC [formulae]
If you man something such as a place or machine, you operate it or are in charge of it.
...the person manning the phone at the complaints department...
The station is seldom manned in the evening.
VERB: V n, V n
If you say that a man is man enough to do something, you mean that he has the necessary courage or ability to do it.
I told him that he should be man enough to admit he had done wrong...
PHRASE: v-link PHR
If you describe a man as a man's man, you mean that he has qualities which make him popular with other men rather than with women.
PHRASE: v-link PHR
If you say that a man is his own man, you approve of the fact that he makes his decisions and his plans himself, and does not depend on other people.
Be your own man. Make up your own mind...
PHRASE: V inflects [approval]
If you say that a group of men are, do, or think something to a man, you are emphasizing that every one of them is, does, or thinks that thing.
To a man, the surveyors blamed the government...
PHRASE: PHR with v [emphasis]
A man-to-man conversation or meeting takes place between two men, especially two men who meet to discuss a serious personal matter.
He called me to his office for a man-to-man talk...
Me and Ben should sort this out man to man.
PHRASE: PHR n, PHR after v
the man in the street: see street
man of the world: see world
  • classical]] image of youthful male beauty in [[Western art]].
  • A man wearing a [[business suit]] stands next to a display of men's [[blue jeans]] at a clothing factory.
  • Father and son
  • A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen, showing the [[human male reproductive system]] anatomy
  • Two men playing a board game
  • XY combination]].
Manhood; Manhoods; Men; Human male; Male human; 🚹; 👨; Human man; 👨🏻; 👨🏼; 👨🏽; 👨🏾; 👨🏿
  • classical]] image of youthful male beauty in [[Western art]].
  • A man wearing a [[business suit]] stands next to a display of men's [[blue jeans]] at a clothing factory.
  • Father and son
  • A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen, showing the [[human male reproductive system]] anatomy
  • Two men playing a board game
  • XY combination]].
Manhood; Manhoods; Men; Human male; Male human; 🚹; 👨; Human man; 👨🏻; 👨🏼; 👨🏽; 👨🏾; 👨🏿
Metropolitan Area Network
  • classical]] image of youthful male beauty in [[Western art]].
  • A man wearing a [[business suit]] stands next to a display of men's [[blue jeans]] at a clothing factory.
  • Father and son
  • A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen, showing the [[human male reproductive system]] anatomy
  • Two men playing a board game
  • XY combination]].
Manhood; Manhoods; Men; Human male; Male human; 🚹; 👨; Human man; 👨🏻; 👨🏼; 👨🏽; 👨🏾; 👨🏿
¦ noun (plural men)
1. an adult human male.
2. a male member of a workforce, team, etc.
3. a husband or lover: man and wife.
4. a person.
human beings in general; the human race.
5. (the Man) informal a group or person in a position of authority over others, such as a corporate employer or the police.
6. a figure or token used in a board game.
¦ verb (mans, manning, manned)
1. provide (a place or machine) with the personnel to run, operate, or defend it.
2. archaic fortify the spirits or courage of.
¦ exclamation informal, chiefly N. Amer. used for emphasis or to express surprise, admiration, or delight.
be someone's (or the) man be the person perfectly suited to a requirement or task.
be man enough be brave enough.
man about town a fashionable and sociable man.
man and boy from childhood.
the man in (or US on) the street the average man.
man of the cloth a clergyman.
man of God a clergyman.
?a holy man or saint.
man of the house the male head of a household.
man of letters a male scholar or author.
man of straw (also straw man)
1. a person who is a sham.
2. a person undertaking a financial commitment without adequate means.
man to man
1. in a direct and frank way between two men.
2. denoting a defensive tactic in soccer or other sports in which each player is responsible for marking one opponent.
to a man without exception.
manless adjective
manlike adjective
manned adjective
OE man(n), (plural) menn (n.), mannian (v.), of Gmc origin; related to Sanskrit manu 'mankind'.
The generic use of man to refer to 'human beings in general' has become problematic in modern use; it is now widely regarded as old-fashioned or sexist. Alternative terms such as the human race or humankind may be used in some contexts, but elsewhere there are no established alternatives, for example for the term manpower or the verb man.
  • classical]] image of youthful male beauty in [[Western art]].
  • A man wearing a [[business suit]] stands next to a display of men's [[blue jeans]] at a clothing factory.
  • Father and son
  • A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen, showing the [[human male reproductive system]] anatomy
  • Two men playing a board game
  • XY combination]].
Manhood; Manhoods; Men; Human male; Male human; 🚹; 👨; Human man; 👨🏻; 👨🏼; 👨🏽; 👨🏾; 👨🏿
1) an average; fat; grown; handsome; middle-aged; old; short; tall; thin; ugly; wise; young man
2) Cro-Magnon; Heidelberg; Java; Neanderthal; Paleolithic; Peking; Piltdown man
3) a divorced; family; married; single man
4) a con, confidence; fancy (esp. BE); hatchet; hit (esp. AE); idea; ladies'; marked; organization; party (pol.); professional; Renaissance; right-hand; self-made; straight; straw man; yes-man
5) an anchorman; businessman; leading man; liftman (BE); maintenance man; newspaperman; rewrite; stunt man; weatherman
6) a moving (AE), removal (BE) man
7) a second-story man (AE; CE has cat burglar)
8) (pol.) (AE) an advance man
9) enlisted men (AE; BE has other ranks)
10) a university man (BE; AE has college graduate)
11) a lollipop man (BE; AE has crossing guard)
12) a best man (at a wedding)
13) the common man, the man in the street
14) a man on horse-hack ('a potential dictator')
15) to a man ('everyone')
16) (misc.) he's a man of his word; man is mortal; (esp. BE) every man jack ('every man'); a dirty old man (pejor.) ('an immoral man'); a medicine man; the man of the year; a man of letters; a man of action; a man of the world
  • classical]] image of youthful male beauty in [[Western art]].
  • A man wearing a [[business suit]] stands next to a display of men's [[blue jeans]] at a clothing factory.
  • Father and son
  • A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen, showing the [[human male reproductive system]] anatomy
  • Two men playing a board game
  • XY combination]].
Manhood; Manhoods; Men; Human male; Male human; 🚹; 👨; Human man; 👨🏻; 👨🏼; 👨🏽; 👨🏾; 👨🏿
I. n.
Person, individual, body, somebody, one, personage, soul, living soul, some one, human being.
Mankind, the human race.
Male person.
Adult male.
Vassal, liege, subject, servant, attendant, dependant.
Husband, married man.
Workman, employee.
Piece (as chess, draughts, etc.).
II. v. a.
Furnish with men, supply with hands.
Strengthen, fortify, re-enforce.
  • classical]] image of youthful male beauty in [[Western art]].
  • A man wearing a [[business suit]] stands next to a display of men's [[blue jeans]] at a clothing factory.
  • Father and son
  • A lateral cutaway of the human male lower abdomen, showing the [[human male reproductive system]] anatomy
  • Two men playing a board game
  • XY combination]].
Manhood; Manhoods; Men; Human male; Male human; 🚹; 👨; Human man; 👨🏻; 👨🏼; 👨🏽; 👨🏾; 👨🏿
A man is an adult male human. Prior to adulthood, a male human is referred to as a boy (a male child or adolescent).
Man (disambiguation)         
A man is an adult male of the modern human species, its individuals, and nearest extinct relatives. See also man (word) for the etymology.


Man (disambiguation)

A man is an adult male of the modern human species, its individuals, and nearest extinct relatives. See also man (word) for the etymology.

Man or MAN may also refer to: